Counted Breaths


Omar Cabrales Salazar
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada


poems, poetry


This book of poems reflects the author’s sensitivity to the analog past of the 20th century, the longing for childhood in the streets, and the cultural component of Colombian identity. It contributes to making it an original work, the construction of prose poems, with a powerful cultural heritage and with a narrative that invites the reader to reflect and transcend their human condition. The poems, although they generate deep pain in the reader, invite action to defend, fight, repudiate, and become outraged. Some of them reflect in a hermetic and secretive way (as every good poem does) a social cry and outcry of denunciation, complaint, and dissatisfaction.


  • Capítulo 1. La tristeza de siempre
  • Capítulo 2. El des-amor
  • Capítulo 3. El barrio
  • Capítulo 4. La demencia y la muerte
  • Capítulo 5. Colombia


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Author Biography

Omar Cabrales Salazar, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Omar Cabrales is an economist from the Nueva Granada Military University and a specialist in University Teaching from La Gran Colombia University. He has literary studies, a master’s degree in Education from the Pontifical Javeriana University, and another master’s degree in Circular Economy and Sustainable Development from the International University of Valencia. He holds a Ph.D. in Social and Human Sciences from the Pontifical Javeriana University. He is the author of a novel and a published book of poetry. He has been a winner and finalist in several national and international short story competitions. Currently, he is a professor-researcher at the Faculty of Education and Humanities at Nueva Granada Military University, with which he has published four books and more than 40 scientific articles.

April 7, 2024
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How to Cite

Cabrales Salazar, O. (2024). Counted Breaths. Editorial Neogranadina.